

Ella Eyre discography

This is the discography of English singer and songwriter Ella Eyre. Her debut studio album, Feline, was released in August 2015.

If I Go (Ella Eyre song)

If I Go is a song by English singer Ella Eyre. It was released on 10 July 2014 as the lead single from her debut studio album Feline.

Comeback (Ella Eyre song)

Comeback is a song by English singer Ella Eyre. It was released on 28 September 2014 as the second single from her debut studio album Feline.

Ella Eyre

Ella McMahon (born 1 April 1994), known professionally as Ella Eyre, is an English singer and songwriter. She is known for her collaborations with ...


This is a set category. It should only contain pages that are Ella Eyre albums or lists of Ella Eyre albums, as well as subcategories containing those things ( ...

Ella Eyre

Ella Eyre (born 1 April 1994) is a British singer-songwriter. She sang on Rudimental's single Waiting All Night. It was number one in the UK Singles Chart in ...

埃拉·艾爾(Ella Eyre)

中文名:埃拉·艾爾 · 外文名:Ella Eyre · 國籍:英國 · 出生地:英國倫敦 · 出生日期:1994年4月1日 · 畢業院校:BRIT School of Arts · 職業:歌手 · 經紀公司:Virgin EMI(維 ...

Ella Eyre

English singer and songwriter.


比賽結果 編輯 · Ella Eyre《Deeper》 · 林俊傑《不為誰而作的歌》 · 薛之謙《醜八怪》(與A-Lin合唱) · 原創曲《當我回家》(與安懂合唱) · 蘇打綠《我好想你》 · 陳奕迅《愛 ...